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info:lpi [2014/01/16 15:39]
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info:lpi [2014/07/27 11:17] (curent)
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 +== Despre LPI și ROSEdu ==
 +**Linux Professional Institute** (LPI) este o organizație non-profit ce promovează Linux și Open Source. Misiunea LPI este de a crea un cadru global, recunoscut de industria IT, pentru a instrui noi profesioniști în lumea Linux și Open Source.
 +Principalul produs LPI este Programul de Certificări ce aduce un sistem de certificare pe domeniul Linux, independent de un anumit vânzător. LPI pune la dispoziție o curiculă pentru certificările sale prin documentație recunoscută oficial (LPI Approved Training Materials) și prin cursurile partenerilor săi (LPI Approved Training Partners).
 +**Romanian Open Source Education** (ROSEdu) este de asemenea o organizație non-profit ce promovează valorile Open Source în mediul academic. Prin cursurile, prezentările,​ proiectele software și diverse activități de comunitate, ROSEdu aduce ideile Open Source studenților,​ profesorilor și entuziaștilor de tehnologie.
 +ROSEdu a devenit partener academic oficial LPI (**LPI Approved Academic Training Partner**) pentru a ajuta studenții să obțină certificarea Linux recunoscută de industrie.
 == About LPI and ROSEdu == == About LPI and ROSEdu ==
-Linux Professional Institute ([[http://​www.lpi.org/​ | LPI]]) is a non-profit organization that promotes Linux and Open Source. LPI's declared mission is "to provide a global framework, industry leadership and services to enhance, develop and further lifelong professional careers in Linux and Open Source technologies."​+**Linux Professional Institute** ([[http://​www.lpi.org/​ | LPI]]) is a non-profit organization that promotes Linux and Open Source. LPI's declared mission is "to provide a global framework, industry leadership and services to enhance, develop and further lifelong professional careers in Linux and Open Source technologies."​
 LPI's most known product is the LPI Certification Program providing a vendor independent Linux-centric certification system. LPI also provides a curricula for the certifications through its LPI Approved Training Materials and training through its LPI Approved Training Partners. LPI's most known product is the LPI Certification Program providing a vendor independent Linux-centric certification system. LPI also provides a curricula for the certifications through its LPI Approved Training Materials and training through its LPI Approved Training Partners.
-Romanian Open Source Education ([[http://​www.rosedu.org/​ | ROSEdu]]) is also a non-profit organisation promoting the values of Open Source in the academic enviroment. Through its courses, presentations,​ software projects and community-oriented activities, ROSEdu brings the idea of Open Source to students, ​ teachers and other technology enthusiasts.+**Romanian Open Source Education** ([[http://​www.rosedu.org/​ | ROSEdu]]) is also a non-profit organisation promoting the values of Open Source in the academic enviroment. Through its courses, presentations,​ software projects and community-oriented activities, ROSEdu brings the idea of Open Source to students, ​ teachers and other technology enthusiasts.
-ROSEdu has become and official LPI Approved Academic Training Partner in order to help students obtain the industry approved Linux certification.+ROSEdu has become and official ​**LPI Approved Academic Training Partner** in order to help students obtain the industry approved Linux certification.
info/lpi.txt · Ultima modificare: 2014/07/27 11:17 (editare externă)
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